Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Friends.

Hello Dear Readers,
Today, I didn't do much at first... went to the store, made Chicken Bog, watched some TV, cleaned a little...
But then I got to go hang out with one of my best friends for 3 hours(: and get this, that friend... is a BOY. That's right, a guy, who is just a friend, whom i can hang out with and it not be awkward. And guess what? I'm fine with that.
I have recently re-realized that i don't need to "be with" someone to be happy. All you really need is friends, family and God. And even if your family is disfunctional, you have your family that you choose, your friends. And those people, can mean the world to you. I know my friends mean the world to me(: And while it is nice to have someone to "be with" as a teenager, its not everything. Because most people aren't going to end up marrying their high school sweetheart. You more often find people who end up marrying their best friend. And to me, that sounds pretty good.
So be a friend first, and don't worry about all the relationship drama, God has it all planned out for you. So sit back and enjoy the beautiful friendships you have in your life. You might just find out that it's what you've been missing all along. And who knows, you might even find your "happily ever after" there.


PS: I was supposed to have posted this yesterday... oh well!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Miss Me?

Hello Dear Readers...

It's been awhile hasn't it? I really almost forgot i even had a blog... Sorry I forgot you guys!

I would say I have been super busy, but that would be a lie.

It is now DECEMBER. I'm halfway done with my Junior year! Time flies, doesn't it?

Christmas was this past Saturday, and it was wonderful(: I got a CAR :D My '98 Chevy Cavalier, Sally(: She's blue and absolutely adorable! I also got a cell phone and clothes and everything else i asked for(: I am so blessed!

I am now at Olivia's house, and I saw her doing her blog, and it made me decide to start blogging again! We are about to leave, so this is just a little preview!

You can expect to hear from me again soon!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


My mind is racing right now. There's so many questions. So much I don't know or understand. There's so much I want.
I want to be skinny. I want to have lots of money. I want to have a boyfriend. I want to be a stronger Christ follower. I want to have style. I want to go on vacations. I want to be able to buy whatever I want. I want an action-packed summer. I want to do what I set out to do. I want to be popular. I want to be stronger. I want to be sweet to everyone. I want to live a life that glorifies God in all that I do. I want to see new things. I want to be able to draw. I want to complete a goal. I want to have a purpose. I want a storybook life.

I understand that everyone is different and unique. But I don't understand why it has to control our lives. I don't see why some people get to be pretty and skinny and rich and others are stuck being fat and lower class. I don't understand why some people get everything they want, and others have to struggle for what they need.

I don't understand why it is so difficult for me to lose weight and to keep up with my quiet times. I have nothing better to do. Every day almost I am sitting at home doing NOTHING. Its boring. But, exercising is boring to me too. I don't have any specific place I can go to work. I have to stay at home and use what I have, nothing.

I don't understand a lot of things. I wish I did, and I wish my wants could become things I do or have. But they aren't. They are wants.

So, I am setting some goals. I am going to try my best to get a summer job. I am going to lose 40 pounds by the end of summer. I am going to buy cute clothes. I am going to be a strong Christian. I am gonna try my best to have a boyfriend. And I am going to have a wonderful summer. Let's hope I can reach most of these goals.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Good Morning, Hobos.

Hello, dear Bloggians! That is what I shall now call you in reference to people who read blogs. I don't really know either...

So, recently, some ideas and whatnots have come into my wonderful little head.
having to do with Hobos and Mornings. But not at the same time...

So the other day I was watching America's Got Talent and this choir came on. They were from
this homeless shelter called New Beginnings, for veterans. And that got me to thinking, there are
plenty of hobos out there that aren't veterans! And they need help too! SOOO, I was thinking that
I could have a recovery home for homeless people.
Get them cleaned up, give them some food, awarm place to sleep, a church, and help them find a job,
and a suitable place to live or rent. It seems odd, butits a good way to serve, love and lead.

You are probably thinking, "Delaney, you have talked about so many different career opportunities,
what are you gonna do?"
To be perfectly honest with you, I don't know. I am leaving that up to God and I know he will let me know what I am supposed to do.

The other thing that I am actually starting, is a morning workout/routine. I did it this morning, and my day went pretty well.
I wake up, go outside(weather permitting) and I have my Quiet Time, in nature, where I feel closest to God.
Then I stretch.
Then, I walk/jog up and down my hill of a driveway ten times.
Then I do some yoga.
Then I drink some water.
Then I eat!!

Exercising in the morning is good for you, because it gets your heart rate going and kick starts your metabolism.
And having a Quiet Time in the morning helps you feel prepared for the day.

Well, it is late, and I have church tomorrow!


Sunday, May 16, 2010


I love to take pictures. It's fun, it's fascinating, it's inspiring, it's beautiful. Capturing a moment in time to save forever. The right angle and lighting (and some editing ;P) can make just about anything look beautiful, or amazing.
Taking pictures of things I see and people I love is fun for me, and it's like a hobby for me. I enjoy it. I have been pondering what I plan to do in my life, but the choices seem so endless and I just can't decide. I would like to have lots of money, who wouldn't? But I also want to do something I love.
Photography has been an option for me for quite some time, but I never really thought I would go for it, because I never thought I had the talent. Until now.
I recently put up some pictures I took of my friend Sarah that I took. It was nothing really, just some pictures I took of her because she wanted more pictures of herself. In her grandma's yard on a warm Sunday afternoon, I just took some at different angles in various poses and locations. I edited some of the one's we liked best, and they looked pretty good.
Soon enough, Jaclyn was telling me she wanted some of her. So this time in my yard, we had a mini photoshoot. Using a regular camera and the beauty of nature, and Jaclyn, we took over 200 pictures of her posing. I am continuing to edit them, because it takes a little while to get the effect you want.
I have put up a preview album of about 20 of the 200 pictures, and already, I have gotten a lot of praise about them. And Kaelen's aunt has said she wants to show them to her friends that are photographers(:
So, I have decided, this is what I'm going to do. I am going to be a photographer. Most companies charge about $15 per hour and even more for location shoots. I am only going to charge $15 for every 50 pictures, which is a bargain, according to my mom. The money will go to getting me a nicer camera and pay for the editing program I use. This is my starter fee, and might go up, depending on different needs and other usual rates.
I am going to be building up a portfolio and starting a website soon. I will keep you guys posted(:

If you are interested in helping me with money, you can donate to help me get started. Or if you are interested in pictures to help out my portfolio, or for your personal use, please contact me on facebook (Delaney Annemarie Ross) or email (

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Give me a sign.

Losing someone important to you stinks. It hurts. It's hard. I should know.

The people whom we love the most, can also hurt us the most.

The people who I thought were my best friends, aren't.

I don't exactly feel like explaining the WHOLE story, so here's the sweetened, condensed version.

Some friends were passing a note, about me. They left it there and by chance, I read it. They said bad things about me and it hurt. I told them that it was mean and I just ignored them because I was mad and didn't want my anger to cause anything bad to happen. The next day, I get to class and there's 2 notes on my desk, from them. Both of them never apologized, but rather put all or most of the blame on me and tried to justify what they said and talking about me in general. They no longer wanted to be my friend. I decided I was done with their crap and I didn't need fake friends that held me down and hurt me. We haven't talked since.

At school, to other people, and even what they see of me, it seems that I have just hardened my shell and moved on with my life. But deep down inside, it's killing me. I cry. I really hurts me to think that all along they probably didn't even care about me, or my feelings. To think that the people I loved the most are okay to just throw me away like that. It makes me feel unimportant.

"Everything good in my life falls apart." That's my sign. My sign that many people don't see. I always feel like every time something good happens in my life, something bad happens and I lose it. Even the people I loved and cared about and trusted have gone away from me.

Tonight, church was amazing. It showed me that I don't have to hurt like this. My God loves me no matter what and His will shall be done. "Through me, God's will can be done." That's my new sign. I want everyone to see it. I want to identify me. The girl who brought God's Kingdom to Earth. That will be me.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life and Love.

Hello Dear Readers!

So sorry that its been so long since I have written! I feel bad for lacking, but I have been very busy. Tuesday and Thursday I had track meets, and Wednesday I had church right after practice. I have also found out some new things this week.

As I continue to do track, I have more faith in my athletic abilities... So when the fall rolls around, I am going to do softball(: (assuming I make the team) Candace will also be doing it, and I think it is going to be a great deal of fun(: I am also considering trying out for cheerleading, but doubt I would make it anyways.
Also, as many of you who have read my past blogs may know, I have been trying to find my place in my calling for ministry. I believe I have found it. I considered for a while, a Children's Pastor, but to me it's just not real, because children will believe anything you tell them. So God put the idea of being a Student Ministry leader. I prayed about it for a while, and I believe it would be a good fit for me because my strongest decisions and changes have been made during these teenage years, which are the beginning of the rest of my life. And I believe that every teenager should build their relationship with Christ during these years.
I spoke to Jeremy about a possible apprenticeship with him and Marty at church, and it is a very possible thing at this point. However, doing Youth Apprenticeship through my school might not be as great a possibility as a summer program or something. The school requires you to provide your own transportation, which some days may be a problem. And my schedule is already full, as well as my after school activities. However, I will continue to pray about it and if it is meant to be, God will put the pieces into place.

As you know, Easter is right around the corner, literally. I hope that everyone will remember everything Jesus did for you so that you can spend eternity in Heaven.

If you don't know, here's what MY Jesus did so that we may live free:

He was beaten and flogged 39 times. (40 was said to kill a man) He was mocked and had a crown of thorns beaten into His head. He carried His cross (two large, splintered pieces of wood) 6 football fields in length, through a crowd of people mocking him and spitting on him. His wrists were nailed to the cross, along with both of His feet. His clothes were taken and gambled for by the guards. He drank vinegar from the guards. His side was pierced with a spear. He was left to die. "Can you hear Him say 'I love you'?"
Our Saviour did all of that so that WE may be forgiven of our sins. He who knew no sin, died for ours. He loved us so much that he gave His life for us. Are you going to give your life to Him?


Monday, March 29, 2010

Love all.

Dear readers,

So sorry I haven't written all weekend... I was at Olivia's house.

We have started our conjoined blog about our story of how we came to be best friends/twins/Delivia. It is taking longer than expected, because its hard to explain how we came to be how we are. It's definitely a "God-Thing" as people say. His plan is amazing and He brings amazing people in and out of my life, ans I thank Him for every one of them.

This past Sunday in discussion group we discussed our new series "Go Serve." It was an interesting discussion, but there was one specific topic I didn't agree on. It was stated that people do everything for some sort of recognition. I don't believe that. I don't believe that everything that we do is for attention or for appreciation. There are so many things that people do for others everyday that goes unnoticed. Yes, God does notice everything that we do, but He already knows that we are going to do them, so we aren't exactly doing it for recognition.
Today I started writing a sermon, one about loving one another. About loving everyone around us. Not just our friends and family, but everyone, even those who make us mad. Its not always easy to do that, but we have to try because it is what God tells us to do. Philippians 2:2-5 says "...make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. In your relationships with one another, you should have the same attitude of mind that Christ Jesus had." This passage is a perfect example of how God tells us to live our lives and how to treat others.
When we come in to contact with people in our lives everyday, how do we treat them? Is it how we should be treating them? Look at your relationships and see if they are how they should be.

Have a good day and let God be your pilot.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Let the games begin.

Hello everyone(:

Welcome to day 5 of my blog, this is a milestone for me, in a way... WOOT!

Today was a pretty average day, despite the lack of Sarah and Maddi, who were at Chorus festival... i was very hyper at the end of 3rd period and the beginning of 4th... that was fun :D
However, a friend of mine was telling Paige and I that she was a Christian because she believes in God, but she just wants to live her own life. This puzzled us. I told her "Well Demons believe in God, too." (it's in James) and me and Paige were trying to convince her that it's not your body and it's not your life to live. God gave us life and we need to live it for him. She didn't seem convinced, and Paige had to hold a lot in that she wanted to say to her. It was a testing moment for all of us.

Then, after school, I went to Game Night, hosted by the Interact Club at school. I promised Nicole and Kaitlin I would go, so I had to... But I'm actually glad I did(: It was more fun than I thought a bunch of nerds and some teachers playing board games could have! We laughed and joked and I actually won Chutes and Ladders and me and Kaitlin dominated in Cranium!
It taught me that we don't need all the electronics and crap we think we do. It's as simple as a board game to have some good, clean, pure fun! God created it that way, He made the world so that we could find joy in even the little things. Just looking at a flower He made can bring us so much joy at the beauty He made. Let us notice the beauty of the simple things around us. Take a break from your cellphone or computer and just enjoy life.

Thanks for reading(:


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Run this race...

Today was an interesting day in my life...

I started off the day by finishing my blog from last night...
And then I had school.

BUT THEN, I got out of school at 2:45 to go to our first track meet(:

I didn't do as well as I wanted to in the shotput and discus events... but after sitting down for a while and watching so many other people run, I felt left out, I had an urge to run. So me, Summerlin and Maddi all went back to the cement and ran. I beat both of them, and Summerlin assured me that she was actually trying. I was feeling pretty good about myself, and there was a 4 by 4 relay race coming up and they needed one more person... So I said I would do it.
I only had to run one lap, and I was first to run. It was one of the hardest physical things I have ever had to/wanted to do. I am really not that in shape, so it was killer on my body, especially my lungs. I was going okay for the first half, i was behind, but I was going pretty strong.
But once I got to the second curve, my breathing was pretty heavy and I was starting to get dizzy and my vision was blurring. I had to actually slow down and walk, or I probably would have passed out right there. I promised myself before the race started that I would not stop or pass out. Once I got back to the straightaway I pushed myself the rest of the way.I passed the baton to the next runner, and that was it.

I wobbled my way of the track, and I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. However, Coach Cole told me that if I sat or laid down, I would pass out. SO I had to stand up against the wall while my vision was blurring and crossing and my legs felt like rubber and I could hardly breathe.

I can't explain why I decided to run today, but in some ways I'm glad I did. It was physically demanding and I probably looked like an idiot, but I did it. I proved to myself and everyone else watching that I could do it, I can run a lap without completely stopping or passing out. I am proud of myself.

Now, if I had a better lung capacity and more energy, and a little less concussion, I probably would have done a whole lot better. I am glad I did it.

Me running that lap was something hard for me. And it's a good example of doing hard things. There's a book I have read called "Do Hard Things" all about how we need to do the things that are hard for us. The book was actually inspired by the authors' blog... Maybe mine will inspire something great?

But my point is that even though something is hard for us, we should try to do them because we may surprise ourselves and others. That hard thing doesn't have to be running, It can be talking to someone new or even talking to someone about God. Whether the hard thing is big or small, it is important to try. It was hard for Jesus to die for us, but He did it anyways because he loves us.

That's all I have for tonight because it's my bedtime.

Thanks for reading(:



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Friends and Family.

Hello Dear Readers(:

Welcome back to my blog, this is number 3, WOOT! And I am using MY computer, and though the screen is blue, the typing experience is much more enjoyable(:

Well, today was day 2 of my head injury, but other than a slight bit of dizziness and a major headache, i was fine. However, i did get tired of repeating the story when people would ask "DUDE, what happened to your face?!?" But hey, I got a miniscule amount of popularity for the day...
Tonight, i was unable to attend my usual church, but not for a bad reason, but because I went to Hopewell to hear Paige's testimony(: It was unbelievably awesome and the amount of tears shed in the room is uncountable. What I mostly learned was that we need to forgive the people in our lives who have wronged us, just as God has forgiven us. The pastor spoke more on this and at the end called those who felt they needed to forgive someone who has wronged them in a big way, to the alter and Paige prayed over them. I got to go up and sit with Candace to let her know I was there for her. If you want to know about her journey, I ENCOURAGE you to read her blog! ( Her journey and her love for Jesus through all of it is pretty incredible. Love ya girl(:

I know I have told you about my life changing decisions at D-Now, and they are helping me already, but there seems to be one part of my life I have no control over.
At school, it's easier than I thought. Loving people I don't know too well, or sharing with someone I do, it comes pretty easily to me with the help of God. But as they say, home is where the heart is, but this "they" isn't me. Living the way I know I should isn't as easy for me. I know my family loves me, but that doesn't help too much. I think it's because, if someone at school is rude to me, or I don't want to talk to them, I don't have to. But at home, I live with these people, some contact is usually needed.
My brother and I, we are getting along much better since D-Now, but we still have our brother and sister moments, but hey, it's natural. However, my parents I find much harder to deal with.
For some reason, when my parents tell me to do something, it angers me. I don't want to stop what I'm doing to do some chore or whatever it is I am being told to do. And it's not even the chore that seems to bother me, it's being told to do something and being expected to leap up and do it immediately, no matter what I am doing. It makes me so angry. Especially when I am trying to finish up my blog before bedtime and I keep getting told to do things.
Having my mom or dad walk into my room when I am say, doing my hair or makeup or doing my homework, and telling me "Clean this place up, it looks like a bomb went off!" Just makes me want to scream. I can't just stop with half of my hair or makeup done to clean my room!
And most of the time its evident that my parents just DON'T understand me. They think I'm just like them and go through the same kind of stuff, but I DON'T. This is a new day and age, and I am a completely different person! And another thing is when my dad tells me "If I woulda said that to my dad, he woulda punched me across the room!" because that's what HIS dad's response to things was. If he thinks its gonna tell me how to act, it doesn't help at all.
And some of the rules in my house are just flat out unfair. Like this one: NO flip flops or short-shorts unless its 60 degrees outside. ARE YOU KIDDING? I mean, if it's cold and rainy, I understand... but if it's about 50 I should be able to wear flip flops! I'm in school the whole time, it's not like I'm running around outside, I'm just sitting there. And another rule I despise is my bedtime. If you ask me, 9:30 is a joke. I mean, I know I need my sleep and whatnot, but that doesn't mean I require a set bedtime, especially one so early! I actually enjoy sleeping, so I would go to bed at a reasonable hour on my own anyways!
But even though my parents frustrate me so much, I know I have to obey them. It's really harder for me than it should be, and i wish I could just carry over my attitude from school to home, but it seems that even if I walk in the door in a good mood, I am mad at someone or something by the time I go to bed. As my mom always says "you have the ability to change the mood in a room, Delaney." But it seems to only work when I'm in a bad mood. When I'm in a good mood, it seems everyone else has to be in a bad mood, which unfortunately brings me down too.
And I am tired of living in a house where we can't all just be happy and love each other. This world has so many problems, and I want to be contributing to the good, but i feel like I am in a place where happiness is smothered. I know my mom will be reading this, but this is how I feel.
This week it is my prayer that I will be able to bring my love of God and others into my own home. I pray that I will obey my parents without backtalk and love them like the Lord loves me.

Until next time,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My face hurts.

Today was an interesting day in the life of Delaney...

The morning started out pretty well, though I woke up later than I wanted and had to finish my homework at school. I saw Summerlin and bought a coke, then we went to join the prayer circle started by Carlie and agreed to by the lovely BITAs, including me(:
Then i went about my day as usual, including a test and DBQ in APUSH, which I am very confident about. Not much else exciting happened... until track practice.
I was laying on the ground minding my own business, searching for four-leaf clovers with Candace and Maddi while Julian ans Summerlin watched and made fun of us... lovely. Then a stray discus came out of nowhere and smacked me dead in the face. OUCH! I swear I blacked out for a second. I know it was an accident, and I am not angry with the person who rolled it.
I am not seriously injured as far as i know, in case you are worried... and I should be at school tomorrow...

Well other than my head injury, my day was pretty usual.
However, I did take some time to evaluate my life... and this is what I came up with:

I have a lot of friends. Some close, and some not so close. Some who lift me up and bring me towards God and love me no matter what, and some who don't as much. Now, I am glad that I am surrounded by people who love me, whether they show it or not.
Some of my closest friends, I have noticed are actually bringing me down. and by that i mean, they don't lead me toward the Lord, and usually away from Him and down the path of gossiping and making fun of others, which is not right. And I know it is a usual thing for people to do, especially among teenage girls, but I am choosing to not be normal.
My favorite verse/life motto is Phillipians 2:5 which says "In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind that Christ Jesus had." Making fun of or gossiping about others is not the way God would treat people, so I am trying my hardest to stay away from those things.
Now, I am not going to get rid of my friends, because well, they are my friends. But it is my hope and prayer that i will be able to help build a burning fire for Jesus like the one i have inside me, and their love for God will lead them away from the sins of the Lord, like mine. Most of my friends are Christians or at least believe in God, but they are "fake" as Sam Bhatt would say. And I want to help them become real, to make their love for God real, because if you ask me, the love of God is pretty amazing.

Also I was able to spend some time in my bible. I am reading 1 Peter, as suggested by my wonderful friend Paige(: I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good book on how God says to live your life.

May your day be filled with love and peace!

Until next time...


Monday, March 22, 2010

Awakening my Blog.

Hello dear people who are reading this...
This is my first blog(:
I am pretty excited to join the blogging community because I always enjoy sharing my thoughts and insights with others, and this is a wonderful way to do so.
Well, if you don't know too terribly much about me....
My name is Delaney, and I am 15. I am in 10th grade and I LOVE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
I am pretty funny and I love music and spending time with my friends and my God(:
I go to an awesome church and I am part of an awesome small group called BITA.
My favorite colors are lime green and hot pink and my favorite food is steak, rare.

Okay... here comes the "blog" part of this.

I very recently went to an event called Disciple Now with my church, and it has already changed my life. I have been a Christian for most of my life, but I didn't always act like one, unfortunately. I like to do things that are easy, rather than doing the hard things that I should do, in other words, I'm a slacker. And I had unfortunately been slacking when it came to God. Yes, I would go to church and serve the Lord by serving others, but its easy to serve God when you are surrounded by a bunch of other Christians. It's not as easy to live for God when the people around you aren't. I was slacking, and I wasn't okay with that.
At Disciple Now our theme was Awaken. Now, I have been a Christian for a long time, like I said, but not an awake and alive one. Our wonderfully talented speaker for the weekend was Sam Bhatt, and his passion for Jesus Christ has inspired me in so many ways. His message to us was that we need to awaken from our slumber and awaken from our ignorance of our sins and live the way God tells us to. To let the love of God flow through us and shine through us and change how we treat others, especially the "Josephs" in our lives. And that is exactly what I plan to do.

This weekend I was also changed in other ways. For a little while now, I have wanted to be an Orthodontist, an odd dream for a girl who is disgusted by spit. But this weekend, during one of the songs by the amazing Matt Papa band, the words said "Whom shall i send? Who will go for us?" and i heard an voice clearly say "Delaney." It sounded somewhat like the guitar, but it was clearly saying my name. I was a bit spooked and actually gasped when I heard it. It's not too often that the Lord speaks to us that clearly, and when He does, He means it. I believe that this was God's way of calling me to ministry. I'm not sure what field of it yet, but I am praying about it constantly and I know God will reveal his plan to me.

Thanks so much for reading my first blog and you can expect many more to come(:
