Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Friends.

Hello Dear Readers,
Today, I didn't do much at first... went to the store, made Chicken Bog, watched some TV, cleaned a little...
But then I got to go hang out with one of my best friends for 3 hours(: and get this, that friend... is a BOY. That's right, a guy, who is just a friend, whom i can hang out with and it not be awkward. And guess what? I'm fine with that.
I have recently re-realized that i don't need to "be with" someone to be happy. All you really need is friends, family and God. And even if your family is disfunctional, you have your family that you choose, your friends. And those people, can mean the world to you. I know my friends mean the world to me(: And while it is nice to have someone to "be with" as a teenager, its not everything. Because most people aren't going to end up marrying their high school sweetheart. You more often find people who end up marrying their best friend. And to me, that sounds pretty good.
So be a friend first, and don't worry about all the relationship drama, God has it all planned out for you. So sit back and enjoy the beautiful friendships you have in your life. You might just find out that it's what you've been missing all along. And who knows, you might even find your "happily ever after" there.


PS: I was supposed to have posted this yesterday... oh well!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Miss Me?

Hello Dear Readers...

It's been awhile hasn't it? I really almost forgot i even had a blog... Sorry I forgot you guys!

I would say I have been super busy, but that would be a lie.

It is now DECEMBER. I'm halfway done with my Junior year! Time flies, doesn't it?

Christmas was this past Saturday, and it was wonderful(: I got a CAR :D My '98 Chevy Cavalier, Sally(: She's blue and absolutely adorable! I also got a cell phone and clothes and everything else i asked for(: I am so blessed!

I am now at Olivia's house, and I saw her doing her blog, and it made me decide to start blogging again! We are about to leave, so this is just a little preview!

You can expect to hear from me again soon!
